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Nicole Harrington's Profile


Nicole Harrington


profile pic

Contact Info:


Work Phone:

(580) 772-5153

Class Room Number:


About Me

Educational History:

I graduated from St. Mary’s Academy in Portland, Oregon in 2012 and I graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in 2017 with my Bachelors in Art Education and recieved my Masters in 2020 in Art Education. 

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors in Art Education -2017

Masters in Art Education- 2020

Certificate in Teaching Education in Oklahoma.

Professional Development:

Throughout college I have attended National Art Education Association conferences in New Orleans, New York and Chicago. I have also attended in Oklahoma Art Education Association conferences in the State. Professional developments and workshops include attending the OAEA workhops, the Quartz Mountain Art Educators Workshops they hold in the month of October, and the Mental Health Awareness workshop given at WHS. 

Current Position:

I started teaching here at Weatherford High School in 2019, so this current year will be my 5th year here. The classes I teach are Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Art 4, and AP Studio Art (Drawing and & 2D Design).

Previous Position:

I officially started teaching back in 2017 at Clinton Middle School. I loved teaching the littler kids, but I felt a bigger calling with high schoolers and so far I LOVE it!

Family Information:

I am married to a lovely beardiful husband named Hayden. We got married in 2017 and we have one rowdy toddler that loves Lions and Dinosaurs!

Personal Information:

My hobbies include (of course) art! I am mostly a jack of trades and a master of none kind of person and love all mediums. I can draw, paint, do photography, work with clay, do an origami unicorn if I focus hard enough, crochet, sew some things, and just overall love to create! When I’m not teaching, I am most likely doing some art or eating a snack because I love food. 

Nicole Harrington

Upcoming Events

Contact Nicole Harrington

Classroom Number:
School Phone:
(580) 772-5153